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STUDIO Louise Bay works with clients represented in mostly Denmark and Costa Rica, working within a large scale of disciplines focusing on Brand Development, Graphic Design & Identity, Environmental Graphics, Signage & Wayfinding. Feel free to get in contact for any questions or work inquiries.

Brand Development 


Brand values, stories and strategy.
Visualising brand values throughout different medias.
Brand manuals.

Graphic Design & Identity

Logo design, identity and designguides.
Book– and magazine design, illustration work.
Brochures, adds, SoMe content.
Website frontend design and digital design solutions.

Signage, Wayfinding & Environmental Design

Environmental graphics and interior design concepts.
Strategic solutions supporting brand values, functions and wayfinding.
Signage design and wayfinding design solutions – both small and large scale.


STUDIO Louise Bay work closely together with other professionals and creative souls – to solve and lift projects to the next level.

Our shared goal: to design ‘out of the box’ functional, long lasting, aesthetically and environmentally responsive solutions for a broad range of both smaller and larger clients – all around the world.

Architecture, renovation & interior : Studio Hirsh


Sobre una Amistad

Sobre una Amistad He escrito un historia sobre una amistad. Nos encontramos por primera vez en Dinamarca el…

Debajo las olas

Una cuenta pasando debajo las olas En este lugar muy bonito, un rincón de Costa Rica, vivía una…

Cacao e Amor

Una Cuenta de Cacao e Amor Una vez, en la jungla, profundo entre arboles y palmeras, cerca de…